Thursday, June 26, 2008

More moeny pumped into the 9MP...but who benefits?

The government has announced a RM 30 bil increase to the investment capital for 9MP from the existing RM 200 bil already-allocated fund. See the full story here:

An excerpt of the news article is shown below and my comments in RED
"Among the main initiatives topping the agenda are:
·eradicating poverty [duh, it has beent he slogan for god-knows-how-many-years-ago];
·providing affordable housing to the low and middle income [with low cost material as well??];
·providing access to water and electricity [with higher utility tariffs?];
·enhancing health care [from worst to worse, I guess, keep it up];
·improving the standard of living of marginalised groups [this is lame, HOW?];
·narrowing intra and inter ethnic income and wealth gaps [more bumiputera-centric development project? NEP in a new face??];
·strengthening human capital [Errr.... lame again];
·upgrading public safety [Yeah, nice to hear this but again, HOW?];
·improving environmental management and conservation [well, this is laudable!];
·and developing regional corridors and accelerating development of Sabah and Sarawak [... in respond to SAPP claim??].

I appreciate that government is putting so much interest with people centric development, the announcement sounds nice to the ears but it really depend on the capability of the government to deliver them. Not just giving out candy, walk the talk, please!

We have yet to see solid plans for each of the promises above but money has already been allocated. It remains a puzzle how it would be FULLY utilised to reach the goals. With the rising cost of living, the government should really rethink the way to help Rakyat cope with inflation. My humble opinion is that the average Malaysian is underpaid in terms of salary. With a stagnant or with small salary increment, if not above the infaltion rate, will definately reduces the ability to cope with the spiraling rise of the cost of living.

By the way, where is the LRT for JB that has been promised since the last petrol price hike? Hope the government puts in more efforts to enhance public transportation system not only in KL but also in other cities and rural areas as well. Building more roads and higways is not the way.....

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